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CMU Masonry Wall Grout Investigations

Infrared CMU Masonry Wall Grout

Missing / poorly compacted grout noted

Infrared CMU Masonry Wall Grout

Missing or misplaced grout cells

Infrared CMU Masonry Wall Grout

Misplaced grout lines

   Infrared Diagnostics utilizes high-resolution infrared imaging to pinpoint the existence and correct placement of grouted cells within CMU wall elevations.  


i  Investigation results can accurately and efficiently determine missing or misplaced CMU wall grout. Our services can be utilized for investigation of existing or new building wall construction. Investigations pinpoint the exact location of missing or misplaced grout for ease of location and remediation. 


      Often times, the general contractor will employ our services during the initial wall construction to place the masons on notice that the wall grout placement will be inspected and documented. This typically results in fewer misplaced of missing grouted cells on future wall construction.  

Our investigations assist our customers by:


-  Accurately and efficiently locate missing / misplaced grout.

-  Pinpoint specific area requiring remediation.

-  Ensure required placement of grouted cells.

-  Documentation of grouted cells.

-  Documentation and location of missing grout.

-  No disruption or destruction to wall structure. 

-  Investigations do not interfere with construction. 



Infrared CMU Masonry Wall Grout

Missing / poorly compacted grout noted

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